
How did you become involved with WLCT?

We have been involved with conservation organizations in Massachusetts for many years, and we’re well aware of the importance of organizations like WLCT to the community in preserving open space and maintaining biodiversity. We were also looking for volunteer opportunities when we moved to Westport, so helping out with various WLCT projects was a great fit for us. Westport has so many diverse habitats between the woods and the sea, it’s just wonderful to see how much WLCT has done and can do to preserve the character of this community.



Describe your favorite place in Westport.

Unfair question – there are a lot of them! For David, it’s the West Branch of the Westport River; watching the seasons change and the birds and fish migrate and return is special here. Deborah’s favorite place is the Herb Hadfield Conservation Area. When we were exploring Westport as a place to live, the first “ramble” we took was through the woods and fields and along the brooks that flow through this area. Also, having worked as part of the Trail Team – to open up the meadow, construct the boardwalks and mark the trails – created a real sense of attachment.