Protected in 2011 with a conservation restriction held by WLCT, the 25+ acre Pinecrest Tree Farm on Pine Hill Road had been in the Edwards family for generations. With over 1,000 feet of frontage on the Westport River, protection of the Farm was critical to preserving the wild and scenic nature of the upper east branch as well as helping preserve the water quality of the river. Today, the Edwards Family continues to operate the tree farm making holiday memories for so many local families who are looking to cut a tree down together.
WLCT is entering the final stages of completing it’s largest land acquisition to date, the 82-acre St. Vincent de Paul Camp and tree farmer Paul Edwards (pictured below with WLCT Executive Director Ross Moran) donated a 15+ foot tall tree for WLCT to display at the camp on Adamsville Road. Mr. Edwards recognizes the vital importance of saving this large track of land for the public and wanted to participate by contributing to the project in a unique way!