Towns and cities are often under a tremendous amount of pressure to sacrifice their natural resources, valuable farmland and open space to meet the need of a growing population. The Town of Westport has decided it can protect these things while also meeting the needs of the 21st century population. With thoughtful planning and an investment in protecting what is special about one of the last remaining coastal agricultural communities the Town has retained its heritage. The protection of special places all across Westport have been supported by both the Community Preservation Act and the Agricultural Open Space Preservation Trust Fund. These two programs established by Town residents through Town Meeting have kept farmers working on valuable agricultural land, have preserved the pristine waters of Angeline Brook, and supported the creation of miles of trails across Town. The Town has assisted in the protection of over 2,000 acres of land and invested millions in protecting iconic properties of historic value and scenic.
Today, we are thankful for the many people in Town who have committed to preserving its heritage, saving the local agricultural economy and helping connect future generations to Westport’s past. WLCT is honored to partner with the various Town committees and staff who work hard to preserve the beauty and bounty of Westport. THANK YOU!