Elizabeth Wade at Dunham’s Brook Conservation Area

Westport Land Conservation Trust is thankful for Tuesday Trail Team volunteer Elizabeth Wade whose truancy is only outdone by her can-do attitude! The weekly volunteer efforts of environmentalists like Elizabeth further WLCT’s mission on the land and in the community. We spoke with Elizabeth before Thanksgiving about volunteering with the land trust and what she is most thankful for this holiday season.

1)     What made you decide to volunteer with the Tuesday Trail Team?

“I decided to volunteer with the Tuesday Trail Team because I love being outside and I love physical labor that results in making something look more beautiful. Working with the same people on a regular basis who also have similar feelings is really special. What a wonderful group of volunteers we have who are truly dedicated to whatever the task at hand is. We start at 9:15, and by quitting time we have made a visible difference, not only for us to see but also for all those who will traverse the same paths. It is amazing what can be accomplished by our team.”
2)     What Tuesday Trail Team projects have you enjoyed most?
“I have in particular enjoyed the uncovering of stone walls. There are so many stone walls in Westport hidden by growth, and to work as a team to slowly pull off the vines and prickers and unveil these beautiful walls is really rewarding. Makes one stop and wonder who it was that built the wall so many years ago. It feels good to honor all the labor involved in the creation of the wall to begin with by ‘bringing it to life’ for all to see.”
3)     What are you most thankful for this year?
“In this year of CoVid I am so very thankful to be living in Westport. Living in a place where there is beauty everywhere invites one to be outside, and outside feels safe and normal and allows us to at least briefly forget about CoVid. I am most thankful that the Tuesday Trail Team has been able to safely continue during this time, giving us a wonderful sense of rhythm and routine when Tuesday morning comes along!”