WLCT’s Tuesday Trail Team turns 10 in 2024 and we’re reflecting on the various people who have made this spectacular volunteer crew such a success. We’ll be sharing our conversations throughout the year.
Today we highlight Annie McGuire, one of TTT’s first volunteers. When Annie moved to Westport full-time in 2014, she brought with her a wealth of experiences, the most important of which is enthusiasm!
Question: What was your first trail team project?
Annie: I joined Trail Team after I saw an article in Shorelines, probably in September of 2014. Very early on we were working at Herb Hadfield Conservation Area. It looked like a bomb went off. There were trees down and boulders strewn about and poison ivy and knotweed everywhere. It’s hard to remember now, what it looked like at the start.

Q: What has been the most challenging project? What’s the most fun?
This new trail at Westport Woods is proving to be challenging, because the trail itself is a forest floor made up of rocks!
Being on the Trail Team provides a sense of accomplishment. We’ll be hacking and cutting at invasives and all of a sudden, a beautiful stone wall emerges from the mess.
We have a lot of fun at the Trail Team burns & roasts, when we have to burn off the collected brush from a worksite and someone brings hot dogs!
Q: What are you looking forward to?
I like that we’re always doing something new. Nate (McCullin, Land Steward) brings something new every week because of his background.
I’m looking forward to the new loop at Westport Woods, and in 5 years seeing the increased use of all the trails…and in 10 years celebrating 20 years of the Tuesday Trail Team!
Q: What about Trail Team keeps you coming back?
Trail Team is a great way to be with people. People who join Trail Team share a common interest in being outdoors, getting stuff done, and doing it together.
The Tuesday Trail Team meets each week at 9am; folks of all abilities and experiences are welcome! For more information contact Land Steward Nate McCullin