I want Westport to continue to be a special place for future generations.

As someone who grew up in Westport, I see so many changes from my childhood. I know change cannot be prevented, but I think it is very important to protect as much as Westport’s open land and farms as we can.

I feel very strongly about making Westport the best it can be.

I have been the owner of Country Woolens for 48 years and I have made it a priority to help to support The Land Trust, other organizations and our schools.

I have been on the Land Connection committee for several years.

The Land Trust’s programs get people of all ages outside to enjoy what nature has to offer. It is fun and fulfilling to be a part of creating programs.

Nothing is more special than taking a walk in the woods, along the ocean or river and enjoying nature. I am happy to be a part of the Land Trust to do what I can so this can continue.