September is here with quieter days and cooler nights. Come see how the meadows and trails change with the seasons.

grasses flank the yellow trail

Cooler weather means longer trail time! Try out our new blue/red trails or a new-to-you trail!

West-side yellow trail looking South

Exploration for all

Grab an explorer pack at the learning center, or a hand lens or guidebook and explore the updated pathways (and gadget board) in the Children’s Discovery Garden and Woodland Path. Don’t forget to take a moment in the gardens around Kirby House and look for the insects, birds, and small mammals who utilize every plant!

Changing Seasons Changes The Experience

As always, the tables are ready for your picnic, and the shade under the cherry trees is perfect on a hot afternoon. There are art installations to discover and the changing seasons to explore. So bring a book, or bring a hiking stick, bring your lunch–bring a friend! We do ask that you leash your dog and please take dog waste away when you leave.

Westport Woods is a gathering place for the community to share and explore. We hope to see you soon.