During the autumn season, the grassland landscape and forest edges are transformed into a vibrant tapestry of color. With their diverse array of resources, between the covered wooded areas and open field, these transitional habitats have a lot to offer wildlife.

At Westport Woods, we can see a literal change in season as the pastoral palette shifts to the gold and red hues of autumn leaves and the deepening browns of our seasonal grasses. The leaves fall, and so do temperatures, as these areas become a haven for animals seeking food and shelter.

The grassland habitat in particular is appealing to birds and small mammals. Northern flickers forage for insects in the bark of trees at the forest edge, while raptors perch on branches and scan the grassland for prey. Blue jays are at work, constantly flittering across the sky with acorns in their beaks, stocking up the bounty that oaks have provided them this mast year. Squirrels, too, are at work storing these oak seeds to last them through the winter ahead. Meanwhile, the young deer families have become a common sight, browsing at the forest edges and finding shelter in the woods behind them and the grass ahead. The diversity of wildlife continues down to the microscopic, as crickets and grasshoppers go bounding along the pathways, and–looking closely–you may even spot a monastic praying mantis lying still along the trail’s edge.

Visiting Westport Woods to observe the grasslands in autumn is one of the most incredible ways for families to connect with nature on the Farm Coast. Taking a leisurely hike along the perimeter edge, we are treated to vibrant foliage as sugar maples and black gum trees, and Virginia creeper come into their color. This is the time of year for children to collect fallen leaves and create colorful crafts. At the Learning Center, we are looking ahead to craft events that you can drop in any complete at any time (create a leaf crown or make a painting with a stalk of grass) or collect acorns or count vultures in the sky. This is one of the most magical times of the year, as the days are clear and the air is crisp, and the evening sunsets their most golden and glorious!