WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us.
We begin our annual Week of Thanks with Valerie Bassett, WLCT Board Member and long-time neighbor of the property we now call Westport Woods Conservation Park. As a board member, Valerie was instrumental in creating the Land Connections Committee. She has been vital to creating and sustaining community programs that connect the community to the land.
“Gratitude for the land and the work of the land trust led me to volunteering on the Tuesday Trail Team, which led to further involvement on a committee…which led to becoming a board member and chair of the Land Connections Committee–encouraging others to connect with this beautiful land!”

Interested in volunteering with the Tuesday Trail Team or during one of our events? Email info@WestportLandTrust.org
We offer free and low-cost programs throughout the year to encourage people to get outside! See what’s coming up by visiting our programs & events page.