WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us.
This year we are celebrating 10 years of Tuesday Trail Team. We are grateful to the Trail Team for their weekly stewardship work and for serving as ambassadors of the land trust. Today we highlight Greg Cherneff, whose cheerful good humor creates a welcoming environment for other volunteers!
“I love being outdoors. I am a road cyclist and a fisherman, but trail work has given me a greater appreciation and respect for the land. Although I’m good with tools, I knew little about trail maintenance. Thanks to the very warm welcome of the staff and other volunteers I have gained skills and knowledge well beyond what I’m able to contribute.”

Interested in volunteering with the Tuesday Trail Team or during one of our events? Email info@WestportLandTrust.org