WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us.
We conclude our annual Week of Thanks by expressing our gratitude for the Town of Westport. Over and over again, Westporters have expressed their commitment to preserving open space and working farmland through various town initiatives. We could not be more grateful to partner with the Town to bring greater access to our community.
“You may not find a more special place in all of New England than the Town of Westport! The combination of forest, water, and farms all rolling down to the coast provides for rich recreational opportunities and home grown food. Our community embraces this rich landscape in so many different ways. WLCT is grateful to partner with the Town to preserve and open these priority resources for future generations to enjoy.” –Ross Moran, WLCT Executive Director

Interested in volunteering with the Tuesday Trail Team or during one of our events? Email info@WestportLandTrust.org
We offer free and low-cost programs throughout the year! See what’s coming up by visiting our programs & events page.