Here at WLCT we pride ourselves on the fact that all of our nearly 20 miles (and growing!) of trails are meticulously maintained throughout the year to ensure that visitors have a great experience. This takes a lot of work from staff, Tuesday Trail Team volunteers and many other volunteers who utilize the trail reporting system on our website. Whether it be a downed tree across a trail, a damaged bog bridge board or washout from a storm, we rely on our community to help us know when and where attention is needed across our 11 properties in town.

During winter months we have many trees fall across our trails from high winds. Without leaves on deciduous species, the wind can penetrate areas of trails that are protected at other times of year. Please be mindful while hiking in the winter months and be on the lookout for downed trees, icy paths and slippery bog bridges. Remember to dress properly, bring water, take a picture of the map at the kiosk and keep your dogs leashed.

As you can imagine, with 1,800 acres of public access property, we need community help in monitoring our trails. If you come across a downed tree, significant trail degradation or other trail impediment, please use, also found on our website, or reach out to me to see how you can actively be a part of our trail reporting network.

WLCT Trail Report