Wildflower Workshop

Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) in partnership with Quintessential Gardens are pleased to present a day of exploring and improving Westport’s first community park (573 Adamsville Road). Join us at 10 AM on Saturday, May 18th for our first annual Wildflower Workshop. Families are invited to attend.

Keys to identifying native and non-native wildflower species will be provided followed by a short planting session. Planting native wildflowers helps promote habitat diversity for insects, pollinators and birds. Space is limited to 20 participants and advance registration is required. To register, please email Brendan@WestportLandTrust.org or call 508-636-9228 ext. 3.


May 18 2019


10:00 AM - 11:30 PM




Former St. Vincent de Paul property
573 Adamsville Road, Westport MA