Westport residents said YES to expanded access for recreation at Annual Town Meeting, Tuesday May 7th.
Article 31 requested voters in the Town of Westport to transfer the care, custody, management and control of 2 parcels of backland located off Sodom Road and Adamsville Road from the Town of Westport Select Board to the Town of Westport Conservation Commission.
The yes vote on Article 31 will allow Westport Land Conservation Trust to collaborate with the Town of Westport Conservation Commission, our long-time partner, to expand trails at Westport Woods Conservation Park.

The 2 backland lots represent 37.9 acres that are accessible from the new northern trails at Westport Woods. A yes vote to transfer the care and custody to the Conservation Commission allows WLCT to connect these parcels to existing trails, thereby opening access to the public for passive recreation and hunting. In addition, these lands contain core habitat resources and water resources that are tributaries of the West Branch of the Westport River. Placing these parcels in the care of the Conservation Commission ensures they will managed for long-term care.
The Westport Land Conservation Trust enthusiastically supports Article 31 to open otherwise unusable lands for public enjoyment.