Learn and apply conservation land management

WLCT seeks two individuals to work with WLCT’s Land Stewardship and Outreach Manager in stewarding over 1800 acres of land currently held by WLCT.

Stewardship and Outreach Interns gain an experiential knowledge of conservation land stewardship and the maintenance to properly care for the varied habitats that make Westport a unique natural area. Interns are also responsible for researching and presenting a relevant project at the end of their internship.

Primary Position Responsibilities:


  • Provide weekly maintenance at public access properties using hand tools, small motorized equipment, and ride-on mower/tractor
  • Coordinate volunteer(s) for stewardship projects (e.g. trail clearing, invasives removal)
  • Assist staff with the creation of the new hiking trails at Westport Woods Conservation Park and installing new wayfinding signs and bog bridging at public access properties
  • Water and weed to maintain native plant gardens at Westport Woods

Community Outreach:

  • Support the Tuesday Trail Team volunteers and lead as needed
  • Assist with events and summer programs
  • Present completed project to the community


  • Commitment to the conservation mission of Westport Land Conservation Trust
  • Enthusiasm for working with the public and working outdoors
  • Willingness to work as part of a team and ability to work independently and manage multiple tasks
  • Physically able to perform duties of the position
  • Familiarity with Westport and the South Coast of Massachusetts is a plus
  • Valid driver’s license (preferred but not required)
  • Experience with landscaping equipment a plus

For more details download the job description here.

Hours, Salary & Benefits:

The Stewardship and Outreach Summer Internships are 24 hours per week for 10-week position. Typically, the workweek for this position will be Tuesday through Thursday depending upon weather conditions. Some work on weekends and evenings will be required for special events.

In addition to being an Equal Opportunity Employer, the Westport Land Conservation Trust aims to create a thriving, inclusive workplace that values each member of our team. We aspire to reflect and effectively serve the community of Westport, Massachusetts–which is at the core of our mission.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should submit their resume, cover letter and two references addressing the candidate’s character, work ethic, and willingness to learn to Ross Moran Ross@WestportLandTrust.org

Westport Land Conservation Trust
P.O. Box 3975
Westport, MA 02790