by Nate McCullin | Beyond the Barways, Land Donor Stories
Salter Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is one of eighteen fish species in greatest need of conservation as identified in MassWildlife’s 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan. Photo documentation of brook trout fry in Boiling Spring brook earlier this year has spurred an...
by Nate McCullin | Beyond the Barways, Land Donor Stories
What is the story of A Quiet Place? How long has this land been in your family? Penny: “In 1955, when I was 15, my family and I lived on the Point renting Harry Sowle’s white house. We wanted to buy it but it wasn’t for sale. One day I was riding my...
by Nate McCullin | Beyond the Barways, Land Donor Stories
What motivated you to work with WLCT to protect your families land? The two parcels that we recently protected by CR (conservation restriction) were originally part of a 100-acre property that extended from Old Harbor to River Road. The land had been in our extended...