Annual Meeting
Please join us at Westport Land Conservation Trust’s 49th Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 20th via Zoom at 5:30pm. As always we will be electing new officers to the board and nominating yet another slate of leaders to serve on our Executive Committee. We will have a short year end review, and leave time for questions or comments from YOU, the members. We are excited to see you or hear from you virtually!
WLCT’s 2021 Annual Meeting will include:
· Nominating two new members to the WLCT Board of Directors Tim Vanech and Carissa Wills-Demello
· Remembering members we have lost in 2020-21 and celebrating past WLCT President, Terry White
· A celebration of the prior year’s accomplishments and a preview of the coming projects in 2021-22
Please RSVP to if you are able to join us. For the safety of the meeting, please provide your Zoom username to in advance of the meeting and a password for the meeting will be provided to you. To vote in the meeting, please make sure to watch this tutorial video on how to vote via Zoom:
If you need technical guidance before the event, please call (508) 636-9228 x 1.
The 2021 Annual Meeting Agenda can be found here:
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