The Early Bird: Fundamentals of Birding
Late winter/early spring in Southern New England is a fantastic time to become acquainted with the basics of birding. With the foliage not yet filled in and a wide open canopy, making out the shapes and patterns of birdlife becomes simplified, and the number of species present is manageable!
In this simple three-part series, we’ll combine a classroom format with short walks into the field here at Westport Woods to apply the knowledge we will develop. In this course, we’ll cover
- The basics of bird identification, including how to use field guides and binoculars
- Where to find birds in your local area
- How to attract birds to your backyard
- The importance of bird conservation
As well as other tips, tricks and techniques for finding and identifying bird life.
Please note that this course will take place over three dates:
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, March 18
All sessions will take place at the Kirby House at Westport Woods, beginning with the indoor portion and then followed by a short walk in our grassland habitat. Participants will receive a confirmation email prior to the series to get a sense of what to bring and how to prepare.