What We Did This Summer

Westport’s glorious summer, full of cool waters, hot sands, happy cows, and beautiful fields, is also WLCT’s busiest time of year, with lots of visitors and necessary land stewardship during the growing season. This summer, we managed to squeeze in some...

Early Fall at Westport Woods

September is here with quieter days and cooler nights. Come see how the meadows and trails change with the seasons. grasses flank the yellow trail Cooler weather means longer trail time! Try out our new blue/red trails or a new-to-you trail! West-side yellow trail...

Tuesday Trail Team Field Trip

Members of the Tuesday Trail Team, WLCT staff and board piled into cars on a rainy Tuesday in July to spend a few hours celebrating 10 years of Trail Team with a visit to a spectacular Mass Audubon site. In February, as we plotted Trail Team projects for the year, we...

Managing Modern Meadows

The growing season has really taken off this past week, with warm nights and days of rain and sun. The verdant plants bring a smile to everyone’s face, smoothing New England’s crusty outlook. Everything about New England is seemingly difficult, and many...

New Gardens at Kirby House

Throughout the winter, Land Steward and horticulturalist Nate McCullin has been planning a new garden at Westport Woods. Trees and shrubs have been in place since late April and the new beds have been marked out and mulched. The Learning Center is starting to buzz,...