Anticipating a Terrific 2025

As I take time to reflect on 2024, I am awed by the community’s enthusiasm and support for conservation. What a year it was for land preservation–together we brought a generational land preservation project to reality! In addition, more and more of you...

Keeping Up with Winter Trails

Here at WLCT we pride ourselves on the fact that our nearly 20 miles of trails (and growing!) are well maintained throughout the year to ensure that visitors have a great experience. This requires a lot of work from staff, Tuesday Trail Team volunteers, and many other...

2024 Stewardship Wrap Up

Preservation is the first step in our vision for strategic land conservation–stewarding the land in our care is the long-term plan. 2024 was another exciting and productive year for Stewardship at the Westport Land Conservation Trust. We celebrated 10 years of...

Week of Thanks: Greg Cherneff

WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us. This year we are celebrating 10 years of Tuesday Trail Team. We...

Grasslands: A Primer

You might have noticed we are using the word grasslands rather than meadows, in describing the seeded open spaces we manage. Westport Land Conservation Trust has learned so much in recent years from our experiences managing land being restored for habitat. While these...