Love the Land

This February, WLCT invites you to Love the Land! Mourning Doves softly coo; a pair of cardinals blaze red and soft pink; winterberry and holly flare along a trail; and moss glows green underfoot. The quiet of wintertime provides some of the most wonderful experiences...

Who is Hibernating?

January’s biting winds and frosty temperatures have quickly reminded us of the true nature of our New England winters. Blustery winds mean there have been whole days here at Westport Woods with not bird in sight, and only frozen scat indicates a presence of the...

The Woods in Winter

As we bid farewell to this year and look ahead to the next, with the solstice behind us and the lengthening days ahead, our gratitude is spilling over we consider the blessings of the community and the nature around us in Westport. With the days getting...

150 Acres, Preserved!

Westport Woods, looking North from Adamsville Road (bottom of photo) Critical Habitat, Waterways, and Access to Explore This complex project required the coordination and commitment from landowners, donors, the Town of Westport, and many conservation partners. WLCT is...