Vernal Pool Exploration

With Spring at our door step, animals waking up, and plants starting to blossom, it is a great time to get into the woods. Every spring, a host of amazing creatures risk their lives traveling to isolated seasonal wetlands known as vernal pools.  These special places are nurseries for beings that otherwise would not survive.

Join WLCT, led by two community environmentalists: Peter DeFusco and Lauren Miller-Donnelly as we explore vernal pools and discuss the lifecycle of the strange creatures that inhabit them.

We suggest you wear waterproof footwear, polarized sunglasses and be ready to explore a whole new world!

Sign up for this aquatic exploration here!


Apr 12 2025


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Free; limited to first 30 participants

More Info

Register Here


Westport Woods Conservation Park
573 Adamsville Road, Westport MA


Westport Land Conservation Trust