Week of Thanks: Greg Cherneff

WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us. This year we are celebrating 10 years of Tuesday Trail Team. We...

Week of Thanks: Valerie Bassett

WLCT is grateful for the Westport community, without whom we would not be able to preserve, care, and connect people to the land. Each year we take this week to thank a few of the people who inspire us. We begin our annual Week of Thanks with Valerie Bassett, WLCT...

Get out and Explore!

Celebrate outdoor exploration with our new Trail Explorers program This year we’re encouraging everyone to get outside and explore Westport. Our 11 public access properties span the town, from Headwaters in the north to Old Harbor in the south. Throughout...

Winter Walks

One of the benefits of working at WLCT is the ability to get outside and walk the talk. Our offices are located in the historic Kirby House at Westport Woods Conservation Park and the trails here provide just the right amount of variety for a daily walk. When the day...