Beyond the Barways
Week of Thanks: Town of Westport
The Town of Westport has been an essential partner in protecting Westport’s unique rural landscape over the years. The Town was a partner in protecting 8 of WLCT’s 12 destination properties, and consistently supports conservation and agricultural...
Protecting the Missing Link
Forge Pond Conservation Area trailhead by Greg Stone Westport, Massachusetts – The Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) is very pleased to announce the protection of 25-acres along the upper east branch of the Westport River north of Forge Pond; made...
Top 17 Shots from “Westport Fields and Woods” Workshop
Dawn at Westport Town Farm by Jim McNaughton. Greg Stone's “Making” Photographs in Westport Fields and Woods Workshop kicked off on a rainy Thursday morning in early October at Westport Woods Conservation Park. The objective of each class: complete the...
2019 Annual Fund
Fall fishing at Forge Pond by Greg Stone On behalf of the Westport Land Conservation Trust, Inc. (WLCT) Board of Directors and staff, thank you for your generosity. This year has been filled with exciting land protection projects, unique...
Donor Spotlight: Ann Squire & Country Woolens
Annual Fund donor Ann Squire has supported the work of Westport Land Conservation Trust for many years. In October, Ann’s small business, Country Woolens, matched donations made to the Children’s Nature Discovery Area at Westport Woods. These gifts will...
Protecting Land and Water with Charles Deknatel
Salter Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is one of eighteen fish species in greatest need of conservation as identified in MassWildlife’s 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan. Photo documentation of brook trout fry in Boiling Spring brook earlier this year has spurred an...
A Letter from Lenora Robinson, State Employee and Land Trust Volunteer
The Tuesday Trail Team at Herb Hadfield Conservation Area last August Hello! My name is Lenora Robinson. I work in Archives & Special Collections at Bridgewater State University. As an employee of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am eligible...
Owling Etiquette: Six Ways to Safely Spot an Owl
Are you filled with wonder when you see an owl? Have you ever gone searching for owls with friends and family? Maybe you’ve even glimpsed the shadowy form of a Great-horned Owl in the beam of your headlights as you traveled a back road at night?If so, you...
8 Ways to Explore Westport Woods
Westport Woods Conservation Park is open and ready for you to enjoy! Here are eight great ways to use this new community resource. Have photos of family and friends enjoying Westport Woods? Share them with us! Email your favorite Westport Woods photos to...
Meet BayCoast Bank Summer Interns Hana & Mitchell
Hana Tabit (right) and Mitchell Carter (left) of Westport, Massachusetts share your dedication to caring for the environment. What has been your favorite part of the BayCoast Bank Outreach and Stewardship Summer Internship? Growing up in Westport, I would...
Opening Day at Westport Woods in Pictures
On Saturday June 15th, 2019 the Westport Community and Friends of the Westport Land Conservation Trust came together to celebrate a day years in the making: the grand opening of Westport Woods Conservation Park at 573 Adamsville Road. Here are some of our...
Westport Woods Conservation Park Welcomes Scholars and Opens to the Public
Little Compton Garden Club members presenting tree donations to WLCT at Westport Woods Conservation Park Opening Day There’s always the potential for magic when children have the opportunity to explore nature. That’s just what happened for a class of...