Beyond the Barways

Meet BayCoast Bank Summer Interns Max, Hana & Carly

Meet BayCoast Bank Summer Interns Max, Hana & Carly

Max Barr (right), Hana Tabit (center) and Carly Sherman (left) share your dedication to caring for the environment. What has been your favorite part of the BayCoast Bank Outreach and Stewardship Summer Internship? It has been an absolute joy to work with a team of...

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New trail sign posts installed across Town

New trail sign posts installed across Town

Photos by Westport Land Conservation Trust volunteer Greg StoneMore than 65 directional trail sign posts have been constructed and erected at seven Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) hiking areas. This initiative was launched in Fall of 2019 by the WLCT Land...

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Each one of us has our own symbol that tells us what we’ve been waiting all spring to hear… it’s officially summertime! For some, that symbol is the last day of school or the first backyard cookout with friends. For others, especially of the herbal persuasion, it’s...

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Our Renovation Work Continues

Our Renovation Work Continues

Photos by Westport Land Conservation Trust volunteer Greg StoneConstructed at or around 1850, the George Kirby House at 573 Adamsville Road is less than a season away from becoming the headquarters of the Westport Land Conservation Trust. An enigma for historians, ...

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If the poet Mary Howitt said, “happy are they who hath the power to gather wisdom from a flower,” then I might add, “and healthy are they who hath the wisdom to gather power from a flower!” Especially, that is, if we’re talking about a certain wild and infamous...

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Support the 2020 Membership Fund today

Support the 2020 Membership Fund today

Dawn at Westport Woods by Greg Stone On behalf of the Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT), I am sending my best wishes for your well-being and your family's health during this unprecedented time. We have all been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and I am inspired...

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Children’s Garden at Westport Woods Takes Shape

Children’s Garden at Westport Woods Takes Shape

Children's Discovery Garden site work and photos by Westport Land Conservation TrustWhile these unprecedented times bring a lot of uncertainty, Westport Woods has a secure place in our community's future thanks to your support. We are excited to share with you the...

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Sharing Nature with YOU!

Sharing Nature with YOU!

Catkins by Greg Stone  I hope this message finds you well and healthy. I am thrilled to see so many of you enjoying the outdoors at WLCT's various properties across town. Please continue to use the natural world as a refuge and do so safely, following the clear...

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Finding Refuge on the Land

Finding Refuge on the Land

Brighter days are ahead by Greg Stone  On behalf of the Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT), I hope this message finds you well. In these unprecedented times I wanted to say thank you to YOU, our wonderful visitors, donors, volunteers, and fans. Your support over...

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Dunham’s Brook Conservation Area forestry work concludes

Dunham’s Brook Conservation Area forestry work concludes

Photos by the Trustees Conservation Restriction Stewardship Director Sally Naser Initiated in 2018 with assistance from MassWildlife, forestry work at the northernmost reaches of Dunham's Brook Conservation Area has concluded. Here's a quick rundown on how harvesting...

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The 2020 Super Bowl Walk in Photos

The 2020 Super Bowl Walk in Photos

2020 Super Bowl Walk Photos by Greg Stone The 2020 Super Bowl Walk last month was a super great time! This annual 6-mile hike began more than a decade ago as a means to highlight the public value of a Slocum’s River to Westport River Greenway. Though not yet realized,...

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Live Owl Show Cancelled in response to the Coronavirus

Live Owl Show Cancelled in response to the Coronavirus

On Tuesday March 10th, Governor Baker declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts in response to the Coronavirus and urged organizations to consider cancelling large gatherings. Out of an abundance of caution, we are joining many other...

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