Beyond the Barways

New trees planned for future park

New trees planned for future park

A new row of native Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) trees will soon line the road frontage at the future community park on Adamsville Road. Photo by Greg Stone. WLCT’s work continues at the former St. Vincent de Paul property! Thank you to those folks who...

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Annual Owl Show returns March 30th

Annual Owl Show returns March 30th

Eyes on Owls – A LIVE Owl Show returns to Westport for two shows on Saturday, March 30th at the Westport Junior/Senior high school (19 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790). Attendees are in for a fun hooting lesson and close-up views of these secretive birds of...

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Park fundraising efforts reach new heights

Park fundraising efforts reach new heights

Supporter and volunteer, Hope Sterling, removes the second to last sticker as WLCT enters the final leg of fundraising for Phase 2 of the St. Vincent de Paul project. Last summer, WLCT kicked off Phase 2 of our project to transform the former...

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How Larry Tittemore embodies the Tuesday Trail Team

How Larry Tittemore embodies the Tuesday Trail Team

Why did you join the Trail Team? "I saw a blurb in the Westport Shorelines or the Sakonnet Times and thought it might be a nice thing to do and a way to give back to Westport." After three years, what has the Trail Team become for you? "It's a lot more...

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From Camp to Conservation Park

From Camp to Conservation Park

In March of 2018, WLCT took the first steps towards removing the antiquated infrastructure at the former St. Vincent de Paul property. During the mid twentieth century the campus teemed with activity and served to connect young men and women of the...

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Your Annual Gift makes this all happen!

Your Annual Gift makes this all happen!

  Dear WLCT supporter,   On behalf of WLCT Board of Directors and staff, I want to thank you for your generosity so far in 2018. This year has been filled with exciting land protection projects, unique opportunities to connect with the land, and an...

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Week of Thanks: Tina Shapleigh Schmid

Week of Thanks: Tina Shapleigh Schmid

Tina Schmid is co-vice chair of the land trust's Board of Directors and owner of River Rock Farm in Westport. Her leadership and vision guide WLCT's current efforts to preserve the rural character and agricultural heritage of Westport.      Why did...

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Week of Thanks: Terry White

Week of Thanks: Terry White

Terry White has championed the protection of open space in Westport for decades. During his tenure as president of the land trust he oversaw the restoration and revitalization of Westport Town Farm; the creation of Dunham's Brook Conservation Area; and the...

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Week of Thanks: Town of Westport

Week of Thanks: Town of Westport

Towns and cities are often under a tremendous amount of pressure to sacrifice their natural resources, valuable farmland and open space to meet the need of a growing population. The Town of Westport has decided it can protect these things while also...

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Week of Thanks: Bibi Appleyard

Week of Thanks: Bibi Appleyard

You are a newcomer to Westport? Yes! Moving from Florida, land of hibiscus, palm trees, and freeways to Westport’s majestic trees, winding streams and country roads was a shock of the best kind.   What drew you to the land trust? I started...

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Landowner Spotlight: Al & Penny Hadfield

Landowner Spotlight: Al & Penny Hadfield

What is the story of A Quiet Place? How long has this land been in your family? Penny: "In 1955, when I was 15, my family and I lived on the Point renting Harry Sowle's white house. We wanted to buy it but it wasn't for sale. One day I was riding my bike down Drift...

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