Beyond the Barways
Why Randall Moss joined the Tuesday Trail Team
Why did you join the Tuesday Trail Team? "I was taking a master gardener course and had a certain number of service hours related to gardening that were required to complete the course. I wasn't sure what to do and then I found the land trust. It fit well with my...
Outreach & Stewardship Summer Intern Spotlight
Meet James Cassell (left) and Jacob Walz (right), Westport Land Conservation Trust's (WLCT) 2018 outreach and stewardship summer interns. You'll be seeing James and Jacob on the trails over the next two months thanks, in part, to BayCoast Bank's generous sponsorship....
Trending Outside
The trend is real. More and more hikers, fishermen, photographers and friends join us in exploring the outdoors each year. Here's a look back at a years worth of outdoor adventures and a sneak peak of what's in store for 2018! Rest assured, we'll be bringing back our...
Tree Farmer, Paul Edwards, Knows the Power of Giving
Protected in 2011 with a conservation restriction held by WLCT, the 25+ acre Pinecrest Tree Farm on Pine Hill Road had been in the Edwards family for generations. With over 1,000 feet of frontage on the Westport River, protection of the Farm was critical to preserving...
Week of Thanks: the Bryan & Jansen Families
What motivated you to work with WLCT to protect your families land? The two parcels that we recently protected by CR (conservation restriction) were originally part of a 100-acre property that extended from Old Harbor to River Road. The land had been in our extended...
Week of Thanks: Greg Stone
Why did you get involved with WLCT? “I have traveled a great deal in Concord,” said Henry Thoreau. I want to travel a great deal in Westport and the WLCT makes that possible. What's more, I want to do what I can to make others aware of how much there is in our own...
Week of Thanks: David LaLima
Why do you volunteer with WLCT? I volunteer with WLCT because it provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded people engaged in physically and mentally challenging projects benefiting the local and greater community. In an increasingly commercial world, the...
Week of Thanks: Charlene Wood
How did you become involved with WLCT? I was appointed to the WLCT Board of Directors after my retirement from the Town of Westport for 47 years, 27 of them as the Selectmen's secretary and ultimately Town Administrator. During those years, I became very familiar with...
Stories from the Land: Why Karen Silvia gives to the Annual Fund
Why do you support the land trust annually? I support the land trust because I regularly enjoy the reservations and trails, and it’s important to me that Westport’s land and farms are preserved. We are lucky to live in a town defined by such beautiful landscape....
Stories from the Land: Trail Team Volunteers David & Deborah Deitz
How did you become involved with WLCT? We have been involved with conservation organizations in Massachusetts for many years, and we’re well aware of the importance of organizations like WLCT to the community in preserving open space and maintaining biodiversity. We...
Save This Land: A Public Walk of the St. Vincent de Paul Camp
The iconic 82-acre former St. Vincent de Paul Camp on Adamsville Road presents a rare land protection opportunity for the community of Westport. Planning for the future of this community space is well underway, but we need your help! Join us for a public walk...
Evening Owl Prowl with the Paskamansett Bird Club
Photo by Greg Stone Have you ever gone owling guided by the light of the moon? Perhaps you've glimpsed the shadowy form of a Great-horned Owl in the beam of your headlights as you traveled a back road at night. On Friday evening, October 26th, you are invited to join...