Beyond the Barways

Celebrate the 50th with membership!

Celebrate the 50th with membership!

Dear WLCT Community, It is hard to believe that the Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year! You, our members, have been with us every step of the way. Thank you!  As we reflect on the past 50 years, we are reminded...

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WLCT Strategic Plan 2022-27

WLCT Strategic Plan 2022-27

To the Westport Community, Since 1972, we are honored to have supported the preservation of over 5,000 acres of the best of Westport! Five years ago, we launched a capital campaign to intensify our preservation efforts and it was a tremendous success. WLCT raised over...

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A Reflection from WLCT President, Trip Millikin

A Reflection from WLCT President, Trip Millikin

As we approach the Westport Land Conservation Trust’s (WLCT) 50th Anniversary in May, it is our opportunity to reflect on our town’s collective effort to save land over the last 50 years and look ahead to an innovative future.  I am honored to have served as President...

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The Signs of Spring!

The Signs of Spring!

Spring morning at Mill Pond Conservation Area, Greg Stone Spring is in full force, the plants and trees in Westport are beginning to show their buds. Buds are intriguing structures, tough little capsules that enclose and protect the embryonic flowers and leaves. On...

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Westport Artist in Residency: Westport Woods

Westport Artist in Residency: Westport Woods

Various installations from H. Vogel including Brittle Desire, Cocoon, Unrequited Heirlooms, and The Year without Snow The Westport Land Conservation Trust (WLCT) is pleased to announce the second year of the Westport Artists in Residence Program (WARP) at Westport...

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Herb Hadfield and Cabin The Westport Land Conservation Trust and the Westport Historical Society have joined forces to celebrate the unique character that was Herb Hadfield (1928 – 1989).  Known for his affinity with the natural world, Herb Hadfield was an independent...

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Westport Birds Pop up Activity

Westport Birds Pop up Activity

The signs of Spring are here: flowers and trees are beginning to blossom, pollinators are ready to spread the love, and Birds are singing their songs. Come check out WLCT's Pop Up Nature Activity Tent featuring our favorite Birds found in Westport. Work with...

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Pop-up Nature Activities

Pop-up Nature Activities

Join us for fun pop-up nature activities this spring and summer at various WLCT properties. Pop-ups are a new program designed to immerse our visitors in a deeper experience with the land.

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Welcome to Nate Mccullin

Welcome to Nate Mccullin

WLCT recently conducted a search to find a new Land Stewardship and Outreach Manager. After interviewing many qualified candidates, we would like to welcome Nate McCullin to the Westport community!

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Exploration Time: Geocache at wlct

Exploration Time: Geocache at wlct

Example of WLCT geocache Are you ready to put your navigation and identification skills to the test? Get ready to hit the trails around Westport looking for hidden Geocaches. What is Geocaching? Geocaching is an outdoor exploration activity that combines treasure...

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